Base E-Hiring: Set up a recruitment proposal approval flow in
Sửa đổi trên: Tue, 31 Tháng 12, 2024 tại 1:20 CH
To set up the approval flow for Recruitment Proposals at Hiring, select the Base E-Hiring icon from the app menu, or access the link - then follow these steps:
Step 1: Select Recruitment Proposal in Customize - continue to select the Recruitment Proposal tab
Step 2: Add Moderators: There are 4 types of moderators:
+ Fixed reviewer
+ Direct management
+ Flexible reviewer
+ Conditional reviewer
2.1: Fixed reviewer
- Name of the approver block: General role of the approver block, eg: Board of Directors, Human Resources Department,..
- Moderator: tag @username member, this member will be the default moderator of all subsequent proposals.
2.2: Direct management:
- With this type of reviewer, when creating a proposal, the creator can tag their direct Manager (recorded in Base Account), or tag another member to review the proposal.
Select " Yes " if you want members to only be able to tag their QLTT.
2.3: Flexible reviewer
- Set up flexible reviewers in case the proposal creator wants to consult with people who are not already set up in the review flow, or be allowed to choose reviewers from the set up flexible reviewer list.
- Approver block name: The general role of this flexible approver block (eg: board of directors, accounting department,...)
- Only allow flexible reviewer selection from the established list:
+ If selected No : The proposal creator can tag any flexible reviewer
+ If you choose Yes : The system will display a blank box for you to fill in a flexible list of reviewers for this proposal group. The person creating the proposal can only choose reviewers in this list and cannot tag other people.
- Required to send proposal to flexible reviewer block: Yes or No
2.4: Conditional reviewer:
- Set up based on conditions taken from Creator information, Creator's Group, Job Position, Department - to select Approvers for each case.
- Name the block of reviewers (eg: board of directors, administrative department...)
- Select reviewer when proposal meets multiple conditions at the same time:
Select the reviewer who satisfies all the conditions
Select the first qualified reviewer
Note : In case a proposal does not satisfy any of the conditions of the block of reviewers, the system will not send the proposal to the reviewer of this block and will move it to the next block of reviewers..
- Add condition => Name the condition
*Add If....Then... conditional branch
Add If condition
Conditions can be Creator, Creator's Group, Job Position, Department
For example: If Job Position = Product
And (or) Creator = @phuongdo
Add condition Then
The approver is the Director - @thuha
Then click Save to complete the condition addition process.
Step 3: Set up Approval Flow.
3.1: In a proposal group there are the following types of approval streams:
Sequential review : Distinguish the review order, whoever is tagged first in the review thread will be the first to review. If the first reviewer approves, it will be the next person's turn to review.
Simultaneous review : no distinction between pre- and post-review order. When all reviewers approve, the proposal is approved.
Only one approver required : only one approver is needed for the proposal to be fully approved.
3.2: Prioritize reviewer roles (when blocks have duplicate reviewers)
When creating a proposal, if a user belongs to 2 or more reviewer blocks, the user's position in the review flow of the newly created proposal will be prioritized according to the set order.
For example:
Set Priority to which browser role appears first
Set the order of the reviewer block as: Flexible reviewer > Fixed reviewer > Direct manager
User A is tagged as both a Permanent Moderator and a Direct Manager.
=> The position of user A in the proposal's approval flow will be taken from the Fixed Approvers group, because in the proposal group, the Fixed Approvers block appears before the Direct Manager block.
3.3: Allow HRM to edit the proposal after full approval:
Decentralization allows HR Managers to edit proposals even after they have been fully approved.
Step 4: Add default " Followers " for the suggestion
The added person will default as a Watcher of subsequent created job proposals.
Step 5: Set up Custom Fields
Users can set up a list of custom data fields that will be automatically added to the end of the job offer.
- Input data types: Text, long text, date, datetime, selection list (select 1, select multiple), file, integer and decimal
- Can enable/disable use of custom fields, enable/disable mandatory custom fields
* Note: After creating a new custom field, the system automatically generates an input key for the data field based on the name. In case the user updates the data field name, the input key remains unchanged.
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