Base Workflow: Report in a workflow in
Sửa đổi trên: Sat, 24 Tháng 8, 2024 tại 4:14 CH
To view a report overview of a workflow, visit Then click on your workflow >> Select "Report" > Select the time filter to filter the report by the desired time.
The workflow report is divided into 4 tabs that show the parameters of the entire workflow as follows:
A. Overview: Overview of the status of the workflow
B. Stage Statistics: Detailed statistics of jobs and todos by status in each stage
C. Stage Workers Statistics: A detailed statistical table of jobs performed by each worker during the stage by status
D. Workflow assignees: A data table that aggregates the number of times assigned to the jobs and todos of all executors in the workflow .All four tabs share three filter bars at the top of the tab to make it easy for users to find the right information they need, including:
- View all stages or choose one or more stage you want: the filter can select the stage you want to view (except the Overview tab, Overview tab can filter all job/all archived jobs or all jobs exclude archived jobs)
- Filter by: makes it easy for users to search for parameters in the desired time
+ Created date: Based on the time to create the task
+ Deadline: based on the deadline of the task
+ Last update: based on the last time updated of the task
- Date: The time interval from day to day. When accessing a report, the system will display 30 days by default from the time the report was previously viewed
Note: The report can support maximum display: 2000 jobs
A. Overview: Overview of the status of the workflow
You need to select a time filter to filter the report according to the desired time.1. Status of the jobs in the workflow
a. The circular chart shows the total number of tasks in the calculation workflow at the time the report is viewed, divided into four states:
In progress: tasks being performed, not completed within the deadline permitted at all stages
Overdue: The tasks being performed, not completed, exceed the permissible deadline at all stages
Done: Tasks are in the Done stage
Failed: Tasks are in the Failed stage
b. To view the detailed list of tasks for each state: you click on each state to display a list of the tasks according to that state- In this list of tasks, you can easily find tasks by name or by executor in the search box.
- Export task list to Excel file by state
- Unlimited display of tasks to support searching
- When you click on each task, you will navigate to the link of the respective task in the new tab.
2. Job finished
- The progress bar shows the total number of tasks completed at the time of viewing the report and divides it into two results:
Done: Complete tasks and transition to the Done stage
Failed: Tasks marked failed and passed to the Failed stage
- Showing figures: Number of completed or failed tasks / Total completed tasks
- To see the details of completed or failed tasks, click on "View detail"
3. Failed Reasons Report
- The list report shows the total number of failed tasks at the time of viewing the report, divided by reason.
- Order: Number of failures in descending order
- You can click on each reason or data to export the corresponding list of tasks.
4. Tags Report
- Total number of tasks tagged at the current time, divided by type of tag
- Order: descending order according to number of jobs tagged - big to small
- You can click on each tag or data to export the corresponding list of tasks.
5. Historical trend of workflow
- A chart that covers accumulated parameters, in the ascending direction of a procedure consisting of successive stages, with starting and ending points.
- 3 job segments shown in the chart:
+ Jobs at first stage: All tasks are in the first stage (yellow area)
+ Job processed: All tasks performed from stage 2 to stage before Done (blue area)
+ Job finished: All tasks in the Done + Failed stage (purple area)
6. Jobs status by created time
A chart shows the number of total, in progress, overdue, done, failed along the time
7. Conversion funnel
The funnel shows the ratio of the number of tasks to be completed in each stage compared to the next stage.
Example: In stage 1, it shows four jobs to be completed, stage2, it shows two jobs > That means that stage 1 has transferred half of the jobs into stage 2.
8. Job status by stages
- % Done on time = Total number of jobs completed in time for one stage /Total jobs comes by the stage
- % Done late = Total jobs finished late of one stage/Total jobs comes by the stage
- % In progress = Total jobs processing and not over the deadline in a stage / Total jobs comes by the stage
- % Overdue = Total number of tasks being completed but overdue of one stage /Total jobs comes by the stage
- You can see the detailed list of tasks corresponding to the parameters from the above two charts at the redirect button
9. Assignees statisics
- Top performers: The list of the top five executors with the highest number of jobs done on time
- Top Assigned: The list of the top five executives with a maximum number of jobs assigned
- Top delayed: The list of top 5 executives with the highest number of job overdue and timeout but in processing. In the case of an equal sum, the person with the larger number of deadlines is on top.
Total overdue: the number of times a job has been moved to any stage when the deadline has expired
Total timeout: the number of times a job is in any stage of timeout.
- You can see the detailed list of tasks corresponding to the parameters from the three statistical tables above at the redirect button.
- Click on each data below the executor's name to view and export the corresponding list of tasks
B. Stages Statistics:
- Detailed statistics on tasks and work by status in each stage
- The data is divided into two tables:
1. Jobs by stages statistics
- SLA (h): SLA is installed in each stage. If no default SLA is installed, it is shown as empty (-)
- Jobs: Total number of jobs that have been in that stage (corresponding to the figures in the shape in the Overview tab)
- Conversion Rate (%) = (Total jobs in the next stage) / (Totals jobs at the previous stage ) * 100
- Done on time: jobs completed on time: Total number of jobs completed in time, and jobs that have been completed without deadline.
- Done late: Total number of jobs completed but overdue over the deadline in the stage
- Marked Failed: Total number of jobs moved from this stage to the Failed stage.
- In progress: (Total unfinished jobs) - (jobs being done within the deadline of the stage + jobs are being done without a deadline).
- AVG duration: The average time a job is completed in a stage.
Formula = [t(1) + t(2) +... + t(n)] / n
With t(n): Time of completion of job (n)
n: Total number of jobs in a stage
- AVG time overdue (h): Average time of overdue of a period.
Formula = {[o(1) + o(2) +... + o(n)] + [L(1) + L(2) +... + L(x)]} / (x+n)
With o(n): Overdue time of overdue job(n)
L(x): delayed time of the delayed job (x)
n: Number of overdue jobs
x: Number of delayed jobs
Note: The figures are calculated based on the actual time of viewing the report, where tasks are moved to the previous stage will still be counted as only one task, based upon the status of the stage at which it is at the current time.
For example, task A was completed to stage 04, then moved to stage 02 -> In the report, task A will not be counted in the data of stages 03 and 04.
2. Todos by stages statistics
- Total todos: Total todos of one stage, including automatic creation + manual creation
- Auto todos: Total number of automatic generated todos. This section is installed by default for each stage
- Manually todos Total todos created directly in the job
- Done on time: Total number of todos done on time during the stage, and todos completed without a deadline
- Done late : Total number of todos completed but delayed over deadline
- In progress (Total unfinished todos ) - (todos in deadline + todos without deadline)
- Overdue : Total unfinished todos and overdue deadlines
- Allows exporting corresponding lists according to selected filters - Arranges statistics in ascending or descending order
C. Stage Workers statistics
Assigned jobs: Number of jobs that this executor is assigned in a stage
Done on time: Number of jobs completed and moved to the next stage within the deadline, or jobs finished without a deadline
Done late: Number of jobs completed beyond the permissible deadline and moving to the following stage
In progress: Number of unfinished jobs that are still in processing, or processing jobs without a deadline
Overdue: Number of unfinished jobs and overdue jobs in the processing period
Mark failed: The number of tasks that this executor was assigned to at the stage before moving to failed Stage
AVG duration (h): The average time the executor has spent completing assigned tasks in a stage.
Formula = [t(1) + t(2) +... + t(n)] / [n]
n: Total number of jobs assigned to that person
Timeout (h): Timeout of late completion and timeout of jobs.
D.Workflow assignees
Datasheet aggregates the number of times assigned jobs by all executors in the workflow
- Assigned times: Total number of times a user has been assigned to jobs in all stages, including the Done, Failed stages.
- Done on time: Total number of times a user complete jobs on time, including 2 case:
+ Stage Done + Failed: the number of times the executor was assigned to the task in these two stages. Since these two stages are the end points, automatically counting on completion on time
+ Other stages: The number of times that an executor completes a task and moves to the next stage within the deadline of the task at that stage
- Done late: The number of times the executor has completed the job and moved to the next stage but has exceeded the deadline of the job at that stage
- In progress: The number of jobs the executor is doing remains within the deadline of the jobs
- Overdue: The number of jobs that the executor has overdue during the period
- Mark failed: Number of times a person performed a job at the last stage before moving to the Failed stage
- Move back: The number of times a job executor has been transferred back to any stage (before the current stage ). For example: Move tasks from stage 3 to stage 2. Calculate the number of assignments to the executor at stage 3
- AVG Duration (h): The average time the executor spends completing a job in the process
- Total duration (h): The total time the executor spends processing all assigned jobs in the process
- Time overdue (h): Total timeout of all assigned jobs in processes that have exceeded the executor's SLA
Note: The list of data in the table counts all tasks transferred to the previous stage , each transfer is counted one independent time.
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